Free Mental Health Online Screening – results, strategies, and services:
Mental Health America
Mental Health America of Illinois
Drug misuse:
Other Resources:
National Alliance of the Mentally Ill - 12-week family to family
Mental Health education course
National Council for Mental Wellbeing
National Institute of Mental Health
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Admin.
American Foundation for Suicide Prevention
Focus Adolescent Services (includes self injury info)
Suicide Prevention Hotline
988 - English and Spanish
Other languages:
Text HOME to 741741 (English) or AYUDA to 741741 (Spanish)
The Warm Line: Peer and Family MH Support (888) 359-7953 8am-5pm M-F
When you need someone to talk to… Available 24/7 Anonymous & confidential
Samaritans Hotline: (212) 673-3000
NAMI Helpline (800) 950-6264 8am- 6pm M-F
The Trevor Project (Suicide prevention- talk line for gay or questioning teens
(866) 488-7386
The United Way Resource Line - -Dial 211
Institute on Aging Friendship Line (800) 971-0016
Strategies for Coping
The Coping Café
Mental Health Care needs to treated like Physical Health Care
We must feel comfortable telling family and friends about our symptoms, challenges, and illness instead of feeling shame, isolating, and telling no one
We must create understanding, concern and compassion for mental health conditions rather than confusion and fear
We must reach out and express hope for recovery, helping to decrease the isolation, desperation, and hopeless associated with intense conditions
Choose to end the countless tragedies caused by a lack of Mental health education and encourage people to seek earliest intervention
Our Life’s Journey is unique to each of us. We can choose our path, but what happens to us or around us, is often not in our control. Finding balance for mental wellness is key. The way we respond to trauma, the way we care for ourselves and the way we act in our world is a choice
As an employer or a person in a leadership role, do you take the steps necessary to empower your team by normalizing talk about mental health, facilitating team building connections, or offering growth mindset activities?
Do you choose to learn about ways to talk about mental health and wellness?
Do you know where to find information, help and resources when you need it?
Do you live an Attitude of Gratitude?
How often do you challenge your physical and mental health in adventure?
Being Equipped for Life's Journey means choosing to load your backpack or toolkit with the skills needed to care for your mental health, recognize signs and symptoms of mental illness and create activities for mental wellness
Can you recognize poor mental health - knowing that earliest intervention can prevent mental illness?
Do you know where to find a free anonymous mental health screening tool and how to connect to a multitude of resources by entering your zip code?
Are you calling 988 instead of 911 for Mental Health Crisis and Suicide Prevention?
Have you mastered the skills needed to start a conversation of concern with someone you love, a friend, a co-worker, an employee?
Do you use first person language and no longer say "committed suicide" to help change the narrative and promote systemic change related to mental health and wellness?